Feng Shui Declutter
Knowing exactly who you are, what your abilities are, makes your passage in this world pleasant. We all live our lives looking for harmony and inner piece, to find it we need self-recognition.We mostly get hurt and suffer because we don’t know what we’re are capable of and we get disappointed; we aim to high and get rejected. Self knowledge gives you leverage, you know your potential and also your limit. If you know your character, your capability; you are on a right path in finding the peace you’re looking for.
The elemental message of Feng Shui is, that if you are unable to tidy up the space around you, and inside you; than you’re basically blocking the energy that surrounds you.
When this happens you can aspect major setbacks in your life, financial crisis, marriage problems, broken relationships, loss of job or interest in doing it, lack of inspiration and I could go on and on. This is why the first and most important lesson is to tidy up, methodically and relentlessly.
Is not easy to let go of everything what’s piled up in your life but knowing yourself will show you the way through it, is not going to happen overnight and it shouldn't either.
Take your time, I’ll guide you through it.
1.Bad energy from our predecessors
If you don’t have the resources or the time to build up your dream home, you buy one and do some makeover some renovations and move in, half the money, half the time.
There are a few things to consider though; energy is everywhere, it gets soaked up in walls, in furniture, the beautiful lamp hanging in the living area...everywhere.
I would advice you to get to know the previous owner, ask about the memories they had in the house.
Believe it or not those memories get turned into energy, the same energy that beautiful lamp is spreading around every time when it gets turned on.
Did someone die in the house? Bad injury, sickness,divorce, fire?
Did someone have a baby delivered in the house?
Got Married?
Got Married?
Nothing but sweet memories?
All these actions have a huge impact on life, and leave a deep energetic mark.
If something terrible happened or the people lived unhappy in the house, you need to protect yourself against those bad energies.
Home cleansing would definitely fill a book, there are many tips on the Internet as well so I would just give you my advice on what to do when you do have to protect your family from the
predecessors bad energies. You also should do the following things if you don’t have the possibility
to reach the previous owners, but you are having a bad feeling about your home.
* Never move in without some basic makeover, like painting the walls, or changing the tapestry.
*Do a deep clean of the house before you have your furniture carried in.
*Don't keep anything from the previous owner , if it’s something
worthy have it cleaned properly and only keep it if it makes you happy
*Do a House blessing, it will change the energetic signature of the house.
Here you have a simple house blessing ritual, all you need is some white candles and Sandal wood incense sticks.
If You just moved in, do a quick tidy up, obviously there is no mess, you just moved in. If you live longer in the house and do feel the bad energies than clean your house, every single corner of it. Open all your windows while your cleaning so all the bad energies have a possibility to leave.
After tidying up, light a white candle in every single room of the house.
Go back to the entryway, take a Sandal wood incense stick and go around your house entering every room, filling your home whit its
sweet smell. This ancient fragrance calms the mind, enhance
sweet smell. This ancient fragrance calms the mind, enhance
clarity, and open the gateway to the spiritual.
As you go from room to room imagine for each space the perfect atmosphere, what would supplement your needs.
-like tasty family dinner for the kitchen,
-friends and joy for the living room,
-sweet dreams or wild night for the bedroom...
When you return to the entry, thank your house the protection it’s providing for you and your family.
Your house blessing is done.Put the candles out, close your windows and enjoy your day.
Basically cleaning your house, you do this weekly, daily, monthly as long as you do it regularly you won’t become a slave of your own,
you can easily keep the house clean whit some minor daily tasks.
These small step ,already can make you feel better as you are
not constantly cleaning,
not constantly cleaning,
but always just a few minutes here and there, and have more time for the things that really make you happy.
My Tips for you are the following :
* Put the dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on, clean your counter top and leave the sink empty before you go to bed.
*Morning you come in to a clean kitchen and you can enjoy your coffee or tee by an open window.
You just need to empty the dishwasher which is probably 2 minutes of work and your all set for the rest of the day.
*As you enter your home, put your shoes, jacket and bag away so
you don’t have them laying around.
you don’t have them laying around.
* Have a home for every item you own, store them there when out of use.
<Let me know in the comments below if you’d like more tips like these.>
3. Eliminate disorder and clutter
The smallest disorder can block the energy flow, You can’t live in a messy house constantly , clearly there are days you don’t feel like doing it and it gets piled up, but I guess after a few days in a messy house your just happy to lay down, have a tidy environment, and you can enjoy a movie .
Eliminating the mess from our life is not easy, you need to distinguish trash from spoilage and from clutter.
Just to make things little bit clean the therms.
is totally useless, for everyone.
is totally useless, for everyone.
It’s a mistake to wrap a present in a piece of wrapping paper that has been already used, it will ruin the gift itself, but you can reuse a gift bag , well if it not thorn or wrinkly.
is something that someone else may use if we don’t need it.
is something that someone else may use if we don’t need it.
You are pealing your vegetables, if you have pigs or chickens running around your backyard than
they can eat that scrap, but if not, than that’s trash. Like said one men’s trash is an other ones treasure.
is far the most difficult to identify, it depends on character
is far the most difficult to identify, it depends on character
and the way someone thinks. This is the main reason you have to be clear about yourself, to now
where you stand and where are you heading. Only than will you be able to say goodbye to all those things that keep you from moving forward.
Keep in mind that collecting “stuff” that you don’t actually need can block the energy.
In such case you would feel exhausted, heavy-hearted, or even sick.
You can’t look forward to the future, continuously living in the past.
You loose interest, focus.
It also may affect your relationships, mostly because of your lack of interest.
You also have to be able to let go of the disorder inside you,
an overwhelmed mind can lead to depression.
Your question probably is what is clutter and how to even start cleaning it out of your life.
Like I just wrote earlier, give yourself time, make a plan, don’t do it all at once, maybe one drawer at time, or one group of items at time, like all of your shoes or jackets.
Every member of the family should short for themselves, you can’t decide which items to keep or throw away if they don’t belong to you.
The basement and the attic can hide monstrous amount of things you’ve been probably storing for ages, sort them out throw away what you don’t need donate what still can be useful for somebody else, or you can even make a garage sell and earn some money too.
I will make a list of the spaces you should review and the possible things to let go, but again, Feng shui is not easy, I can not give general advices, just a guideline on how to properly do it.
Let that be a continuance to this post, ask yourself some questions.
Are you ready for it?
To let go of the past to start a new life?
Do you know where you stand and where your heading?
Do you know yourself?
If you answered these questions, and you come back, than soon you’ll find the guidelines on how to declutter whit Feng Shui.
Thank you for reading this article, see you
Wishing you luck.🕉 Lara
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