Yin and Yang ☯️

                       Yin and Yang 

I shared in a previous post my fundamental thoughts about Feng Shui so you would have a clear picture to start with, so you would understand better everything this mysterious word incorporates. Those who have read that post, know already what Feng Shui Is, and those who haven’t got the chance to do it yet, I’ll definitely would advise you to read that one to. I also wrote about the Energy,  what is the building block  of  Feng Shui, surrounding all, defining all, creating all, being all...
          Now is time to move forward and learn about ☯️
         Yin and Yang, defines the energies,  just like everything is made of energy, everything is either yin or yang, every item, room, feeling, house, furniture, food, person....everything is light or dark, passive or active... yin or yang.
Is really important to understand the concept of Yin Yang, to be able to practice Feng Shui properly, just by looking around in a house you have to be able to tell if that home has more yin, or more yang energies, or these two are in balance. In the end that what makes the difference, not the golden frog in the corner, well at least not on  its own.
    That’s what really a  Feng shui consultant does, obviously after a deep clean and decluttering, makes sure that the Yin and Yang is in complete balance in the entire house.If a house, or a room has more energy from the one , it  has to be balanced ASAP.  And only after that can be activated as a corner. 
 Just like its symbol ☯️, the ‘whole’ has to have the exact same amount of yin as yang, and one cannot exist without the other; there can’t be darkness without light. Right? 
So easy like that, if we don’t have light, than how do we determine darkness?        If we don’t know the  feeling of warm , how do we define cold ? 
               So you look around in your house and with the help of the descriptions below of each Yin and Yang, balance your energies. Remember one step at a time, energy is delicate, you have to give yourself time, don’t rush.You can do one room at a time, if the room is dark, than make sure you install proper lights, or even consider an extra window; if the room is bright than aim for a darker shade in tapestry or wall paint, darker furniture with light accessories, try dimming the lights...etc.

Rather than dividing the Yin and Yang, and describing them separately, I’d like to keep them together, I feel it is more understandable that way. You have the chance to really feel the opposite, the difference, and the coexistence of these two.
Spiritual, intellectual minded personality 
Physical, practical minded personality 
Passive energy 
Active energy 
Mother personality 
Father personality 
North, shadow 
South, sunny 
The branches, leaves, and trunk of the tree
The roots of the tree
Winter, Autumm 
Summer, Spring 
Death, darkness 
Life, light 
World of the spirits 
World of the Gods 
Energy from beneath, ascending 
Energy from above, descending 
Cold, cooling foods *🍅🥦🌶🌽🥒🍏🍎🍍🍌🍋🍊🍐🥝🍉🍈🍒🍓🥩🍤🍣🍱🧀🍨🍦🥛🍺🍻🥂 sugar, flour, honey, salt...

Hot, warming foods*🥔 🍠🍑🥕🍖🍗🥓🐇🦃🐓🥜🌰🍫🍷☕️🥃🍸 🥚🍳 rosemary,  onion, plums, grains, peas, grilled meat, brown sugar, spices, especially spicy condiments...
Summer vegetables and fruits 
Winter vegetables and fruits 
Narrow, crowded
Spacious, roomy

            This list is far not complete, here are just a few opposites that vaguely describe the coexistence of Yin n Yang.
I might seem like a broken record, as I keep repeating myself, I am  deliberately  not finishing any of my specifications, lists....whatsoever . I am confident that in this esoteric world, nothing ever is finished, nor comes to its end. 
             We are babies in this topic, we are learning, and by we, I am not referring to my readers, I’m referring to the humanity, all of humanity.  Everything we, (as humanity) ever known about  these ancestral tuitions,  got lost in this material world we are living for the last couple of hundred years. We are newly rediscovering , that people relaying only on the power of nature, were happier, healthier, lived longer; and as life is only passing by us, with many wars behind, and more ahead of us, we desperately search for help, wherever we can find it. And as it would the blood of our ancestors pulsing in our veins, we are trying to return to our roots, to nature. We try to avoid chemicals, we use natural cleaning products, we try not to take medicines, pills, drugs, we aim for homeopathic treatments instead, we are building eco houses, creating wind parks, digging for water ...... 
....And those who dig deep enough, will find this magical word, without materialization, only pure energy waiting to be used, shaped, guided.
 The concept of yin and yang teach us that change is  the only constant ‘thing’  of life.Nothing ever stops changing, after night, day will come.
      Aiming for balance and harmony defines our entire life, every small thing we do in our everyday life, even unnoticed, is us,  trying to keep the balance. If  we work too hard, our body signals us to rest, if we get angry, we try to calm down, after enthusiasm there must be apathy, we can’t possibly be  enthusiastic all the time, we have to calm  down, and then become enthusiastic again. 
            Feng shui is not a only a cure for your home, but is also a therapy for your soul and your body, and restoring the balance between yin and yang  can generate massive positive change In your life.

              Why is important to be familiar with Yin and Yang? 
        Well, they can be found in our homes, every room, or space can be attributed to either yin or yang, depending on the function of these spaces.
 A bedroom should be the place where we can rest, Yin energy. The  office on the other hand, is for work, a Yang energy. With that said, the bedroom should reflect calmness, and peace, for an effective sleep has to be darkened  and quiet for the night. Here as well can be felt, how one can’t exist without the other,  the bedroom mostly is dark and quiet in the night time, but as we weak up we let the sunshine in, start our day, letting a little bit of Yang into the Yin room. As for an office, we aim for brightness, we have various light sources, we tend to actively work in that room, what reflects the  Yang energy. Here also, as we finish our work, we have a coffee break, or just a little relaxing, we let Yin take over for a short time, in a yang environment.
For example, if we have an office with heavy, dark,  antique  furniture, we have heavy blinds on the window, maybe even a few trees outside, blocking the rays of light, we have built in shelves, full with books we never read, a dark carpet....or anything suggesting yin energies, we won’t be successful in our work, maybe we don’t even  enjoy working  in that office. But have no fear, if you let  a little  Yang energy to take over that room, you don’t have to throw out your antique furniture. For starters open the blinds for as long as possible, let the light in. Make sure to have various light sources in the room, and use them, if your in there working, light it up! Have a perpetual-motion machine, a wind chime by the window, colorful desk accessories, flowers....Everything that suggests life and energy for you, I promise, soon you’ll feel better, and your work will be  more effective.
          Following these simple rules, you can walk trough your entire home, look around, use your intuition and your logical thinking, define which room what kind of     purpose has, and if it is  in balance.
Use the list above to recreate the balance between yin and yang, and remember, yin ( black) has a (white) yang dot in the middle, just as yang (white) has a (black) yin dot in the middle, and the two form together one whole ( never ending) circle. ☯️.

   Have a lovely weekend. 🕉Lara 


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