Incense sticks

Incense sticks

       Incense sticks 
The scents of life 

     I thought I make a post, that  serves as a  refugee from your everyday life. When you feel blue, need a little extra energy, or motivation, just want to feel loved; for days you 
can’t find a way out of your cluttered mind;  for those short “me” times, without, you wouldn’t be functional.  When I’m in that place, I used to light up a scented candle or an incense stick; one that helps me through whatever I’m dealing with in the moment, may that be bad mood, anxieties, helplessness....I make sure I always have a stick for every occasion and mood I might face.                                                                                                                                        Maybe  you never heard of incense sticks or essential oils, but sure heard about scent candles, and you probably bought them,  used them, and pretty sure you also loved them. If not, than this post is probably not for you, but please, keep on reading, maybe you’ll change your mind over them.  Down  below you will find the scents I most use, and all the healing power  attributed to them, because they sure not just a pretty smell for your houses, they can literally change your day, even your life.  Before I get to this special list, here are a few words about their history.
     Quite a few years back, when Jesus was born, two out of the three gift brought to him by the Three Wise Man, were frankincense and myrrh. Maybe they did not look like they do today, maybe they were not used as we use them today, but their holy power is the same today as it was back then, frankincense and myrrh are the two most commonly used incense in many religions.Incense sticks are the ancestors of any product related to a pleasant smell, they are the parents of perfumes  as come in a variety of fragrances, from fruit notes, through florals, woods and spices, originate  
from tree resins and from some flowers, seeds, roots and aromatic tree  barks.
         The ancient Egyptians believed that burning incense, helps the dead soul to lift toward heaven, they used them at burials, during mummification and death ceremonies, but also made cosmetics and perfumes mixed with incense, as it was very important for them to be clean and smell good.
      Babylonians used them to try to manifest their gods during prayers, the most used ones were raisins from cypress, fir, and pine trees. They also believed  that they have healing powers and that incense would help during exorcism. 
     Greeks and Romans believed that incense drives demons away.
        The early Christians used incense during their prayers, so the ascending smoke would carry their words to heaven.                                                                                                                   Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, and Shinto religions burn incense sticks at festivals and many daily  rituals, in these religions is most present the use of incense.Chine beside its spiritual use,  used  incense to perfuming clothes, fumigating books, killing bookworms  and scenting ink and paper.In Japan they made clocks out of it, so a distinctive smell would tell the pass of hours, they were also perfuming their kimonos and head rests.
Regardless of religion, or believes, humanity used incense for a long time , and they all have their own adaptations and believes regarding each specific scent. I  tried to collect them, and define them so next time you feel like burning a candle or an incense stick, you can chose the right one, for your actual mental state.So may the perfect ascending smoke make your day.
The description referrers in the first sentence to the emotional, spiritual effects of the mentioned scent,  the second sentence mainly refers to its commercial use by cosmetology, and the third one of its medical uses, as oils, creams, teas, or even medicine itself, there are some for external use only, I’ll mark them, so you don’t rush  to make a tea from junipers, because sure would do you no good.

It can heal emotional wounds,  soothes anger,  it’s smell is gladdening for the soul, and helps in keeping  mental balance.
Used as an essential oil for bath, it helps against skin infections, acne, and has a wound healing effect to.
It accelerates digesting, cures diseases of the urinary tract, used in your bath water.

Tension dissolving, really good in easing anxiety. Cleans the soul from heavy thoughts.
It’s a medicine against dermatitis if used in lotions. 
If inhaled, cures and strengthens respiratory organs . Ingested is a cure for hemorrhoids. Use for external applications only,in bath water, on skin or inhaled.
Stimulates brain functions, helps concentrate and think. Dissolves tantrums.
Use as a massage if you want your skin to produce less fat.
Drink peppermint tea if you have nausea, or you are constantly tired.Also it keeps you active, alert. Also has a tumor reducing effect.

Dissolves  aggression, fears, anger. Makes us more stayer, and firm.
Has a Skin cleaning effect, and helps the function of hair bulbs. Obviously if used as a shampoo or lotion.
It is a cure against infections, it is used as a pain relief in several rheumatic diseases, use for external applications, such as creams and oils.
Eases emotional pain, it is comforting, helps the concentration. Has healing effects.
Mainly used to perfume the body.
Heals the restless leg, eases the pain. Has a hemostatic effect, as well as detoxifying one.
General calming effects,  calms and freshens up the mind.
Renews old skin, strengthens the nails and hair.
 Cure for diabetes, blood diseases, asthma. Helps the function of the heart, liver, lungs, and also kills bacteria.
Defeats laziness, and stimulates. Supports the capability to learn.
A master of skin healing. Deep cleans the skin, and also a relief in case of sunburn.
Strengthens the immune system, kills viruses and bacteria, anti inflammatory and pain killer. 
Gives us power to overcome physical weakness, and mental fatigue.
Used for pesticides, as it is a great insect killer.
Refreshing for the entire body, great cure for bronchitis, arthritis and rheumatism, mostly in the form of cream or oil. 
A memory booster, help in  defeating  brain-fag, and reducing anxiety.
Good against cellulite, and varicose veins.
Ingested boost the immune system, cures stomach complaints, also diarrhea malaria, and dysentery.
Cheers up every mental state,  relaxes body and soul as well, and gives a boost to self confidence. It’s an Aphrodisiac.
Helps the skins metabolism, a beloved perfume scent.
Use as incense stick, candle or vapored to ease muscle pain, and tiredness.
It has a calming effect, and also is a soft sleep inducing plant, helps defeat depression and sleeplessness.
Camomile is an universal salve for the entire body, mostly in form of tea.
Skin moisturizer, a great body for hair care products.
Stress relief, defeats fear, cleans the thoughts, and keeps you  balanced. Guides you towards happiness, love, helps you sleep and relax, and also is a good protection agains all kinds of bugs.
Used against  respiratory diseases, ear and throat aches.
Calms the skin, regenerates the hair roots, and nails. Most used in creams and lotions.
Strengthens the nerves, and the soul too, recharges our body, gives us a clean  sight. One of the first scents, with a powerful religious background, but it’s not limited to the religion, any of them.
A cure for diseases of the womb, and digestive system, and also really good against infections.
Renews skin particles, stops the aging of the skin, use as a bath oil, or in skin care products, and obviously as incense sticks or essential oil.
It can moderate desperation, lower  the stress level, and ease sadness, the sweet smell of roses creates a joyful atmosphere.
Pain killer, balances the hormones, cure for  gingivitis.
The most important perfume base. Multiple ways of use.
Stops aggression, opens the mind and so makes us more accepting.  Very often used in witchcraft as a healing and protecting scent.
Immune booster, a cure for cholera, and diseases of the digestive system.
Anti wrinkle effect, and base for smoother skin. Mostly used as incense sticks, and essential oils, you can also use it in aromatherapy.
Gives power to body and soul. 
It is blood stanching, and  pain killer.
 A rejuvenescent, and  beautifying scent, a base for perfumes. Multiple ways of use.
 Good for ease so sorrow, it stimulates brain functions, helps the concentration.
Restores the health of the entire body.
Stimulates hair growth. Used in many beauty products, and as  incense sticks as well.
Eases sexual  disturbances, it’s a cure against impotence and frigidity.
A perfume base.

Use of incense sticks and  essential oils in Headwords

Cypress , Sandalwood, Frankincense , Rosemary , Lavender 

Increase healing 
Avocado, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Cypress 
Gardenia, Rose , Jasmin, Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, Patchouli , Rosemary , Lavender 
Jasmin, Lotus, Myrrh, Sandalwood , Lavender 
Air cleaning 
Juniper, Frankincense, Cypress, Eucalyptus , Rosemary , Lavender 
 Energy supply 
Pine, Sage , Rose
Increase creativity 
 Increase concentration 
Lemon, Juniper, Frankincense, Peppermint , Eucalyptus, Ginger, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Sage
Harmony, calmness 
Frankincense, Sandalwood , Lemon, Camomile, Lavender 
Stress, anxiety and anger
Juniper, Lavender, Bergamot, Cedar, Pine, Camomile, Ginger, Rose 
Essential oils 
Headache: lavender, Rose, lemon
Fever: Eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender 
Blackouts: lavender, rosemary 
Toothache: clove
Cough: thyme
Tiredness: lavender, cypress, orange, lemon 

 I could continue with this list, because it is truly never ending, every scent has an attribution, a use, wether as an incense stick, or used in beauty products,  a cup of tea, or medicinal salve. I hope I could open your mind a little bit, and you go and try out the power of some of these scents. If you have any questions, you know how to find me. ( through Facebook messenger, or the comments below) . My next post will probably be about healing crystals, to stay on this path.

May the scent guide your life.🕉


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