Personal charachter analysis

The reason I’ve been away is mostly because I created a Facebook event on my page   
I’ve had a lot of requests so I’ve been working on them the last couple of days. Because of its positive response i decided to  extend it to my blog.

I make a personal character analysis based on your birth date and gender, and if provided, I will add a numerology analysis based on your full name.

Every single person is different than the other one, there are no identical people on this planet...
 Our character is mostly defined by the moment of our birth, there are people who get the analysis and say that it is not true at all, this happens mostly in cases where something pushed this people off their track, like the  sudden death of a loved one they can’t  process, or divorce of the parents push their children way off the path they’re supposed to follow.
Any major change in our life shapes our personality, if you realize that, you are already changing,
It is in your power to change your personality, to let bad habits go if they’re damaging your health, to let people in your life, or to shut them out, depending on how that particular relationship is shaping you, to leave a job, if it doesn’t suit you....and so on. 

If you know where you should be it is easier to get there, I can help you with that, obviously I’m not a medium or something,  everything can be divided it no numbers, and a every number has a meaning to it, and the combination of certain numbers tells me basic information about you, or at least who you were born to be. 

You can contact me through facebook messenger on my page, please be patient, it takes a few days to make an analysis, and I have a few people in line already, but I love  a good challenge,

Hope to see you on my page 🕉, Lara 


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