The energy


    Everything that surrounds us is made of energy. Small particles uniting and forming every object, or living being  from scratch around us.
       Just look at your dining  table. Is made of wood, a tree that was planted by someone or by Mother Nature herself, one tree, growing for years to be as desired for that precise table. Standing tall, against nature’s immense power, extreme heat ,or excessive rain, storm, cold winter, frosty spring. A piece of wood, that has mother nature’s all power soaked in, from the ground, from the air, to grow strong and tall, to be cut down by a lumberjack; it starts its long journey to became a table.
       I’m not trying to make you feel bad, or make you think that because of your dining table a tree was cut down. Living in harmony with nature doesn’t requires you to sleep on the ground or eat from the ground.As long as your are not exploiting the planet, like changing your table twice a year, you are doing no harm. If only all people would keep their dining table trough generations, we’d be able to preserve more than 20 % of our forests.
       But let’s get back to the journey table is about to take out of the woods, trough the country, to the manufacture,  into the hands of a joiner becoming a table , than to lacquering, to delivery, to the store, to you. This list is far not complete, I have no inside knowledge of how these things in reality run, this description is only based on my personal opinion.
After its long journey  it carries the resonance of every person that  ever comes in contact with from the moment of being planted to the moment it becomes your dining room table.
       Think  about all the people this piece of wood meets, and what kind of energy they are surrounded of, all that energy gets soaked into your table, (just as you are influenced trough out your entire life and you change as you go...) all these peoples energies create the unique energy of your table.
  There sure can be some really bad energies in some of the things that surround us, but mostly they are not made of bad energies only, and the balance stays. 
             As for conclusions, Feng Shui teaches us to treat every object and living being with respect, as they are all made of energies, and the one thing about energy what never stops, is change. It changes from the information and influence it gets from its surroundings. And passes its energy on, influencing and shaping the persons around. If you treat your surroundings with respect and love, than love and respect you become in return.

            Just as you analyzed your table you have to analyze your house too, a house is  not a living organism,  but  Feng Shui treats like being one.  
It has windows that reflect the eyes, the door reflects the mouth, the corridors, wires and channels inside our house, are like the veins in our body, they transport nutrition in and every waste out. The walls represent the skin, the rooms the organs, and the structure of the house symbolizes the hands and feet.
    These analogs are the pillars of Feng Shui. As if in certain rooms of your home, don’t receive enough energy, the represented organ can come to damage. Like a house with a broken window can cause a sickness to the eyes of its owners, if your watering system is broken and have leaks around your house, than you can aspect  from high blood pressure , to any blood related issues, as well as communication problems between the members of the family, electrical malfunction can create strained moods, fights exploding within seconds.... 

              What is this energy I keep talking about? 

    It is called Chi, or in some literatures Qi. It means happiness, abundance, and long life as well.
    It is unseen, and still it is everywhere, it brings everything to life,  if you don’t have enough of it, you feel tired, overwhelmed, with no motivation at all, but in the same time you can get more than you actually need and that will make you feel bad, can make you exploit your body, your resources and cause sever   health issues, as well as spiritual difficulties.
    Always aim for the balance,that’s the lesson Feng shui teaches you, always aim for balance   The  scientists from the far past,they all  believed that at the Beginning there was one Power, one Energy. As time went by, every culture around the word named it for themselves, creating a multitude of different views, and religions.
The ancient Chinese mythology describes this energy as the heavenly breath of the dragon.
It is everywhere, in some places is honored, in others is acknowledged, 

 I could fill pages with all the meanings of Chi, try to describe everything...
            In just a few words, Chi is an active energy that responsible for the changes, it is mostly carried by winds and waters, it is ebbing and flooding, is in constant movement, unless it is blocked. It is inside you, inside every being, and object, it is a universal power.
It is just normal to want more Chi for your life, for your environment, because then you are happy, and healthy.
I will name just a few sources from where you can get more chi, and some tips  on how to control and guide it in the wanted direction.
~ Sunlight, rays of happiness,and life 
~Clouds, they can bring serenity, as well as dimness, the energy of change 
~Wind, can clean you out, renew you
~Flowers, plants, even animals.they bring joy to our life.
~Water, drink it, go swimming, it fulfills you with life
~Your home, If it suits you, and all your needs
~Colors, lights, and sounds, they all are one of the best way to attract more Chi in your life, or in any corner of your home.
~ The politics of your land, can make you happy or even sad... mostly sad.
~ Your friends, are a good energy source, whenever you fill blue, I bet you have that one friend you call and it makes you feel better.
~Neighborhood, well you can’t change them, but sure can build up a good relationship with them to a life without stress together.
~ Family. I don’t have to say much here, you love your family and you are loved by them, but never keep in touch with such members who have a bad influence on you or your inner family circle just because aunt Betsy would like that so much.
Keep a healthy relationship with people who love and appreciate you, for who you are.
~Fantasy, children are happy because their fantasy is limitless.
~Faith, If you believe you are capable of believe in yourself as well, and that will give you roots and wings.
~Your personality! You can chose to be a better version of your self, chose not to start an argument, chose to be friendly, respectful....remember, what you give is what you receive.

      The importance of understanding the Chi and it sources, is to be able to see where it can get stuck, where can accelerate, and spread like arrows, as well to be able to see, how can you turn it around, slow it down, guide in the right direction.
 If the Chi in your home and in your body is able to circulate in  a slow, and constant way, you are properly energetic, and your home as well.
 When this chi lost its orbital path it gets malefic. This is the so called Sha energy.
It can come from nature itself, or it can be human created, malefic energy must be stoped, its sources  include slack water, moist soil, clammy fields, a cold creepy wind, the long narrow street, a pointy mountain top. Unlike the Chi, the good energy, the Sha has not as many sources, it does not include everything like the Chi does.
But as Chi can make us feel good, and be happy, Sha makes us ill, and unhappy. 
Every long, narrow, and straight road, street, channel carries Sha energy, just as your long corridor.
      Don’t get preoccupied, you don’t have to move out if your house has a long corridor, or it’s placed at the end of a straight street, or near noisy neighbors , branches pointed at your windows, or anything that stops the flow of the energy into your home, with some easy practices and a little bit of work, you’ll be able to stop the bad energies flowing into your home, and guide the good one right where you want it to have.

                  Feng Shui, has four symbolic animals that are protecting our house.
          The black  turtle,
often connected to a snake symbolizes protection and safety. You should have  behind your house, a beautiful hill, or high wall or trees to keep out unwanted visitors, and to provide stability and calmness to your family home. Having a taller building or a natural element behind your house also protects you from nature’s raw powers, Ideal place of the black turtle would be the north, but nowadays instead of building around nature we are demolishing nature to create more space for more houses and facilities. We can no more have the luxury to build our house agreeing with all the principles of Feng shui. We need to work with what we have and make the best out of it,
The dragon and tiger are the  foundation of chi in the ancient Chinese mythology, they’re protecting the house from both sides.
           The green dragon
 is the national symbol of China, a dominant Yang animal,  immense energy source, providing the right amount of chi for the habitats of the building he’s protecting.
It is also the symbol of the man of the house, the father ,  it’s presence reflects the place of the man in the family.
It should be on the left side of our house, being higher than our actual house, but smaller than the black turtle, here as well it could be represented through mountains, hills, buildings or trees.
If there is nothing, I mean, there is no dragon on the left, and also no tiger on the right, than our capacities are limited, as well as our nervous system can become threatened.
If the tiger is present, but we don’t have a dragon, our personality can become really arrogant .
         The white tiger 
is the match for the dragon, it has a gentle Yin energy, it is sitting on the right of our house and represents the lady of the house, the feminine energy.
As the dragon produces the chi, the tiger absorbs the Sha, keeping the balance.
It always has to be smaller than the dragon, like smaller buildings or bushes.
If it’s higher than we can expect to meet  a dominant women inside,  and being higher than the dragon, negative energies will bounce back inside the house, making life not precisely easy for those living inside.
        The red Phoenix 
represent an energetic Yang power, that is in a constant movement. It is the area in front of our house, so it should be spacious for the energy to be able to move bringing us encouraging vision about our future. If you are at your front door and you look forward, something in the distance will catch your eye, that’s the home of the Phoenix. It has to be beautiful and cheerful for your soul.  If something blocks your view, like a taller building, can take our optimism away, we may become depressed with no reason at all.
If the land in front of your house is to big, it can make you scattered, you have the dreams and the plans, but never able to make them come true.

          These are mostly general thoughts, you have to know that even if I somehow manage to give you a tip or cure, regarding the existence of these mythical animals, their effects can still have a reflection on your life.
It is hard to substitute the nature that was given thousands of years back, for our ancestors.
They moved mountains to build new houses, cut out tree and planted forests. 
 The ideal home would have a hill behind it, trees on the left, bushes on the right and a beautiful sight in front of it. It would be situated halfway on a hill, or mountain, to provide safety in case of high water....these aspects can’t be transferred into our rushing way of life. We live now on top of each other literally, in our monumental building. Some live their life without even leaving these buildings. ( the skyscrapers I China are like some small town) 
           We need to try our best to get back to our roots and live in peace with our environment, as well as making the best out of it.
Every negative effect can be slowed down, or even totally stoped, if the recipient opens its mind, than it can be turned into good, just have to believe in it and you’re halfway there.

Believe in yourself, 🕉Lara 


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