Crystal series, Agates

The stone of harmony 

 Comes in a variety of colors and forms, in different structures, has different patterns,  or “eye” markings, mostly can be found in earth related colors, from brown to deep red, black, grey, green, white and  colorless as well. Each color has additional effects, different meanings and attributes, they all belong in the family of Agates but they all are unique in a different way.  As they belong together, many features are shared, like its low intensity of vibration, and slow frequency. Agate is the stone for harmony, it can bring positive and negative energies in complete harmony. It’s healing powers were used from Babylon through Ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations.


                                Fire agate 

A mysterious stone, will never truly revel its secrets.
It  is the most  protective stone, it protects its owner from bad energies, envious people.
It is  also believed to protect us from evil spirits and  
Relives abdominal pain. Increases digestion. 
Great help in defeating fear and finding inner peace, 
Consider  it a spiritual flame that never goes out.
Shield against emotional vampires.
Awakens spirituality.
Inspires artist, specially those who need to regularly produce or perform.
Gives us courage to follow our dreams.
A natural aphrodisiac.

Blood agate, red agate

It has a very stable energy, gives a strong emotional foundation to our life.
In perfect harmony with Yin and Yang.
It can cure blood related diseases, and insect and snake bites too. 
Helps overcome depression and separation anxiety.
In power to  stabilize the imagination. 
A great stone for artists, inspires in a magical way.
Provides  personal security, and physical strength.
Gives physical vitality, and energy to its owner.
Unleash erotic sensuality,
Is a wonderful aphrodisiac.
Helps us stay focused
Can be used to bring vitality to the entire body.

                                      Grey agate

Inspires inner harmony.
Stabilizes the aura and balances our yin yang energies.
Can help remembering past life’s and prenatal memories. 
Teaches us to make the world a better place, and how to engage others in doing so.
Helps us to defeat fear and anxiety.
Helps to overcome stress. 
Great stone for mental concentration, specially for those under pressure, like students.
Supports the uterus, valuable pregnancy stone,
Good for eye health.          

                               Moss Agate

The crystal of gardeners.
Healing stone of the entire human organic system
Attracts prosperity.
Helps to understand our  past life
Calms mood swings,
Gives the love and acceptance we need in our bad days.
Improves communication skills.
Helps us to see positive, be patient and conscious. 
The midwife stone, great during pregnancy and labor. 

Immune booster, treatment for flu, fungal infections, hypoglycemia and Dehydration. 

         Turritella agate

The  stone of patience.
Calms and protects 
Improves our outcomes from any situation.
Helps us to stay humble,
Keeps us focused,
Can heal Chronic Fatigue.
Just like any agate it vibrates on a low frequency, but has really steady energy. 

                                Apricot agate

Also a  stone for peace.
Releases fear from death and from the great unknown. 
Great stone for self reflection, and meditation 
It’s a powerful energy cleanser.
Makes us feel loved,
General happiness provider.
Helps dissolve tension, 
Stimulates creativity. 
Can heal addiction, help us overcome mental and physical abuse.
Energy booster, revitalizing for the physical body.

                               Crazy lace agate 

A very playful stone,
It will inspires happiness,
Has soothing and grounding energies. 
The stone of trust and faith,
It teaches us to be positive, 
Can  show  us the way out from a mental fog, 
Reminds us that laughter is the best medicine, 
Boosts the immune system,
Protects the heart, both physically and spiritually.
Makes you feel happy, relaxed, and supported.
Brings joy to those who wear it.

                                Dendritic agate  

It vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones, and has a lower 
intensity, therefore has a high stabilizing and strengthening influence.
This stone brings abundance to all areas of life.
Encourages perseverance and patience. 
A good companion to therapy and meditation.
Promotes inner stability and maturity.
A great pregnancy stone, also helps in case of baby blues.
Strengthens family connections, supports martial fidelity.
Protective  traveling talisman,
It is useful for any kind of trauma.
Heals body parts that branch, like the vertebra, nervous system, veins.
Reduces back pain caused by stress,
Used as an elixir, relives gastritis,
Heals skin disorders, and itching due to insect bites.....

                               Blue lace agate

A stone for  the  Calmness.  
It can help its owner to find the natural state of joy. 
It is also a stone fort the Heart chakra, opens up our heart for 
unconditional love.
A natural penicillin.
Stimulates emotions, good or bad, and helps us deal with them.
A great stone for encouragement and support,
Uplifts the spirit.
Has a positive effect on attitude,
The stone of the Diplomat, helps to communicate and be understood without angry words,
It provides clarity of thoughts.

                                 Tree agate

A meditative stone, that connects us with the angels.
Perfect stone for traumatized children, helps to overcome loss.
Gives us power, courage, grounding and self confidence. 
Opens the way to creativity,  helps to be more spontaneous.
Can  be used to amplify the energy of other crystals 
Immune booster,
Helps prevent infections, valuable for treating autoimmune diseases.
Connects us with the nature on a high level, attracts garden spirits to improve growth.
Gives courage and confidence, for those seeking.

                                 Botswana agate

It is a low energy crystal, is perfect if you are new to the world of crystal healing. 
It is the stone for balance. 
Can help to overcome grief.
Is highly recommended for bullied teenagers, helps to stay strong, and overcome trauma.
Supports finding love, and a partner on any channel, 
As an elixir, helps to quit smoking, have one tbs. a day.
Improves concentration,
Helps  overcome fears such as agoraphobia and panic attacks, in crowded places.
Can  be used to treat depression and stress.
Relives sexual dysfunction, It encourages potency, and strong offspring. 
Stimulates the immune and nervous system.


                                   Laguna agate 

The most highly praised agate.
Binds groups tightly together.
A stone for educators, for students.
Improves analytical abilities.
Stimulates the imagination, a source of inspiration.
A great stone for writers, and artists.
Stimulates sexuality.
Treatment for sexual disorder,
Helpful to the heart and blood vessels.
Brings balance in our everyday life.

Has healing effects on the skin, and stomach pain.

    There are many more Agates out in the world, I tried to limit to the most commonly used ones. If I wanted to write a complete description about every gemstone...well,  let just say I could fill a book with them. In in a very beginning stage of blogging, although I write since I learned to write.( in  a different language, as you might know I’m not English, I’m Hungarian.) anyway, maybe someday I’ll put my nice A.... down and write a book,  but you’ll have to wait for it....
       Until then, a post about Agates for today, and I continue this series with some other exiting crystals. I try to write whenever my time allows, I don’t want to put pressure on myself to finish anything sooner. Time is the essence of life, we have to be careful with it, and use it wisely.

    Sending you positive energy, no matter where in the world you are,🕉Lara.



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