The magical effect of gemstones

The magical effect of Gemstones

Gemstones, Precious crystals and semiprecious crystals


            If you are a visitor of my blog, you know already that 
everything surrendering us is made of energy. Well this time I’m going to write about Mother Nature’s biggest energy carriers; the gemstones, precious and semiprecious crystals.
      This world, I’m about to take you in, requires a strong believe.You have to learn to listen to your intuition, to believe in powers you are not able to see, only feel, and you will only feel their powers if you believe that they exist, if you understand how they work. It’s a paradox, yeah I know.
That is what this post is going to be about. About gemstones, how to choose them, how to store them, and how and to use them.
      For eons gemstones have a spiritual aura surrounding them, they were believed to have magical powers, and were used as an  amulet, or a talisman against evil spirits, to heal malefic diseases, to bring joy, love 💕 and happiness. Early People began to pay attention to them, and they realized that there is no magic, it is the stone by itself so powerful, it carries the power of Mother Nature inside, each differently, and each uniquely. As they observed the stones and tried out different ways of using them, they found healing for many , many 
of them spiritual, as  back then, an unknown diseases was attributed to the evil spirits, so most of the healing aspects they found, were on the spiritual level. But also a variety of gemstones 💎 directly placed on the body is believed to heal and rejuvenate the body, act as a natural pain killer, etc.Some were enough to be held in the palm of the hand, others had to be placed on sick body parts, and some were even used to make medicine or elixir out of it. As many the stones, so many they way of use, and healing effects.

        Science ignored these primitive, and alternative medicine, so with the escalating economy, gemstones and crystals became a fashion item. Esoteric knowledge was the impulse what turned the science around,  gave the opportunity to further research and nowadays the gemstones are used in a multitude of medical devices, in micro surgery, ultrasound machines, and electrical devices we use in our everyday life. Just a hint...cellphones are know to have gold in, between many other things, and as you know, gold is also a gem., just like silver, and diamonds and many many more.

What are gemstones ? 

Gemstones are minerals, that are valuable because of their structure, strength, color, or their brightness; valuable for their unique features.
They are formed by nature, without human interaction, forged by Mother Nature’s hands if you like it better so.
Need to say, that nowadays any gemstone or precious crystal can be reproduced by humans, but they don’t have the beauty or the power of the original one. You can distinguish them easily, their colors are not bright, they don’t shine, don’t have the heavy structure of the original stone, and most of all they won’t talk to you, like an original gemstone would.

Cleaning  our gemstone
When we purchase a gemstone, or we receive one as a gift, we need 
to clean them, physically and spiritually too.
To properly clean, and refill ( many of the stones need a refill after every use, if not physically used, than at least once a month) follow the instructions below, and as an additional cleaning ritual, your own intuition. Before you use a gem, you have to own it, not only be the owner of it.
  • First you take a bowl , preferably not from  plastic, put in 2 liters of water, add 2 tbs. of sea  salt, place your stone in the saltwater and leave it there for at least 2 hours, you can leave it in the water up to 3 days, depending on how much, or for what you’ve been using it.
  • Then you must hold your gemstone under flowing cold water for at least 10 minutes, or up to a half an hour.
  • After you cleaned it, you have to refill it. Most commonly with the sun , but there are a few gems which require moon energy to be refilled. For this step, all you need to do, is to leave your stone by the window, or outside for a day. Obviously if you need the moonlight than live it out for the night.
At last, the part where your own intuition comes in play.         

 You can hold your stone in your hand, until you fill its warmth, You can put it under your pillow, You can carry it with you in a velvet satchel for 3 days.... like I Said, your own intuition.   
If you complete this instructions, after obtaining a gemstone, I assure you, that no negative energies are going to be attached to it, and that it will be ready to serve you. Just remember, you have to clean your stone on a regular basis in order to use it.

How to use the gemstones?
       You might ask yourself, how the heck this stone will stop my headache!? Because that’s possible, yes, there are stones that can stop pain, or bleeding, or a severe disease; some can control the mind;  others protect, help you out from a dark place; can give  you money, luck, love, creativity and the list is endless. The only question remains, how to use a stone to obtain what you most desire? 
    Well, their most common use is as a jewelry, there are to be found in many necklaces, earrings, rings, amulets, brooch....
It is a little bit up to you, what you choose, but you also need to consider the  reason you are wearing it. (Ex. you have a throat ache, you need Aquamarine (a blue gemstone) to stop the pain, ideally you would wear it around your neck, as a necklace.)
If gemstones are used as a jewelry, their sockets must be made of silver or gold, otherwise their powers are cut.
     You can also buy gemstones, or precious stones, in various shapes 
and sizes; in a raw natural form, or already cut and polished. You can carry those with you in a velvet sachet, in your pocket or purse. With a few exceptions, most of them can be placed under your pillow.
    To heal a sick body part, the stone must be placed on it, in order to have the desired effect.
They can be used for chakra healing( there will be a post about this topic sometime).
      There is the possibility to make an elixir and drink it for intense healing. You can make these elixirs easily by your own, whit almost no extra costs.
All you need to do, is to complete the instructions on how to clean a stone, then  the properly cleaned stone has to be placed in medical distilled water for 3 hours, in case of a bigger stone, you need 4 hours.
The change is only visible if you are making elixir from Hematite, that will paint the water red, because hematite will fist in water, otherwise a change is barely noticeable. There are a few stone you should never make an elixir from, I make sure to do a list of them.

After your stone stood 3 or 4 hours in the water, it is ready to be used. Use it on a regular basis, one teaspoon per day, pure or added to your drink of choice.
An other way to use the stone is to destroy it into powder, and use it in medicines blended with honey, lemon juice, or water.
Although a real healer would never be so drastic, because this method allows the healing effects of the gem to be used only once, and using it in a different way allows them to always reuse the same stone over and over again.

How to store the gemstone?
 Well, this part is completely up to you.
There are some people who keep they stone hidden even from their closest family members, because they believe that other people by only looking at the stone, the stone  will fill with their energies. If you believe so, than proceed, it is up to you to protect your stones, so take care of them as you desire.
 I would advice you to do the complete opposite. Display them, let them fulfill the room with their unique energies, let them bath in the light, let them transfer their energies into you, and your family. If you do want to use them for a cleaning or healing ritual, you’d have to clean them before anyway, so why should you keep them hidden in a dark place !? 
If you are displaying them, on shelves or anywhere else, remember, 
they don’t like moving around, so put them always in the same spot, preferably put them on a  natural material like  velvet, cotton, leather, or silk, or you can keep them in a pottery or a wood chest as well.

  We have a multitude of gemstones and precious crystals, a list of the most common one with their effects, and healing properties comes in the following post, so stay tuned.

Have a nice one, 🕉💎Lara.




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