Crystal series. Amethyst and Aventurine


       The calming energy of the Amethyst, is like a gentle embrace that provides happiness and peace.

      Amethyst is  one of today’s most common semi-precious crystal,  and the priciest among the quartz crystals, can be found in almost every shade of purple, from transparent violet   to dark purple; the dark crystals are rare, and are believed to be the more powerful ones. The magnificent colors of this semi precious crystal change due heating, they become a transparent yellow, and often are sold as falsified Citrine. Is a very strong, pyramidical  and prismatic crystal that does not fission, is more likely   to break into pieces instead.
       These beautiful stones are to be found in  Brazilian caves, but there are Amethyst habitats  in Uruguay, Mexico, Canada, Siberia and Europe to; can be found in all sizes of geodes and clusters.
It’s enchanting colors come from iron, can often be layered with white 
quartz, mixed with Citrine, or Goethite. When forms in combination with 
other crystals, becomes additional qualities.
BRAND BERG AMETHYST: Is the blending of Amethyst with Smokey and Clear Quartz, is found in Namibia. It can  pure the consciousness, and restore one’s connection with the Divine.

CHEVRON AMETHYST:  Has ‘V’ shapes of  deep purple and white quartz , the finest Third Eye stone. Stimulates vision within the cosmos, and is the perfect stone to learn about spiritual healing.
CACOXENITE AMETHYST: Has dark brow to yellow tufts of 
Cacoxenite. This combination brings creativity, fosters unthought thoughts.
AMETRINE: Is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine, a remarkable healing stone.
RUTILATED AMETHYST: Is a very rare form of Amethyst, contains Goethite, clears the Earth and Base Chakras, and also connects us with the Angels.
Above it’s spiritual and physical healing attributes, Amethyst gemstones 
are mined for jewelry manufacturing. Often are polygonally polished,  just like diamonds, so they would shine brighter. No matter if they are left in 
their natural form , polished, or faceted into gorgeous jewelry, Amethyst 
will always be  a  fascinating  gemstone. Once in your hand, forever in your heart.
             It is, and always was the most preferred among all Bristol stones. Its Greek name , translated means ‘not intoxicated’ and throughout history it was believed that carrying an Amethyst crystal, or drinking alcohol from an Amethyst cup would prevent drunkenness and overindulgence.
Catholic priest used to wear Amethyst rings to protect themselves from mystical intoxication, and believers kissed the ring during ceremonies to prevent intoxication as well.
        Throughout history, a multitude of spiritual, physical and emotional healing properties were connected to Amethyst, properties that make this stone highly valuable today to. 

   I can tell you from personal experience how remarkable this gemstone 
is. I still have my first Amethyst earrings, I made them myself actually, they were beautiful, and every time I wore them, it made me feel like I have a protective shield made of violet lights, around my entire body.
    .....It was the time I was beginning my journey in this wonderful world.
I remember a friend of mine, a Feng Shui consultant , telling me, how emphatic I am,  and that  this feature of mine makes me a perfect counselor, a great adviser and  that I should definitely begin to learn  about the spiritual world that surrounds us. She thought me how to make a set of earrings, that would keep me focused  and centered while opening my mind  to  the spiritual world. I never thought that is possible, and that is real, till I felt it on myself. Before  that,  I was skeptical about everything on the level of spirituality, and as I began to actually wear the earrings I made, a whole new world opened up in front of me. I was absorbing like a sponge everything on the spiritual scale, and somehow I wasn’t skeptical anymore.I believed. And  ever since my life changed, 
totally. Not only I moved to a different country with my ‘then’ boyfriend, but somehow we managed to build up or future and entire life in  only a couple of years. We bought a house, ( we are still renovating it by the ways)  we got married, become parents to a beautiful child, who’s almost two years old now....
 So believe me when I say, that this world is real,  and even though you can’t always see how it’s working, it is. Believe in the energy that surrounds you, learn about it, learn about all the energy carriers, and use them wisely to make your life be the way you always wanted to be. A special and powerful energy carrier, spreads its beauty and fills you with love, and heals your body and soul in every possible level, being physical or spiritual.  

            I’ll just name a few, of many healing properties of this crystal, I can’t
 possibly make a full list of them, as many of the properties come  from Ancient Greek ,  and many other ancient civilizations have their own 
interpretation of it too,  so it would be nearly impossible to gather them all in one place. I’ll try my best to give you a adequate list of the most important properties of the Amethyst.

It is a really good pain reliever, when it comes to  muscular tension, or painful swelling in any part of the body.
Wearing it on the skin, can heal various skin related diseases.
Can help relieve respiratory disorders, wearing on the neck can give additional help to heal and relive  asthma.
Strengthens the immune system, and the nervous system.
Put it under your pillow to cure  insomnia, and nightmares.
Good relief in case of  head aches and migraines.
Amethyst can also be useful in treatment of the digestive tract.
As an elixir is a wonder in the treatment of arthritis.
Boosts the hormone production.
It is believed to aid in case of any hearing disorder.
Is a natural stress reliever, soothes the brain, it can be used to treat psychological disturbances, but should be avoided in case of paranoia 
and schizophrenia.
It is the birth stone of all born in February, the month of Neptune, the water god of the Romans.
It is also St. Valentines stone, symbolizing faithful love.
Can control evil thoughts.
Protects the travelers, and soldiers from harm, and surprise attacks.
It is definitely a psychic stone, protects against black magic and
Strengthens the imagination, intuition. Can access the higher mind, and  
enhances creativity and passion.
Unpolished amethyst can recharge other crystals.
Darker shades of Amethyst can be successfully used by artists who 
constantly need to reinvent themselves.
It is also know as The Artist’s Stone or  The Composers Stone.
Can not only heal people, but plants and animals as well, you need to 
place  unpolished amethyst geodes where the plants don’t grow, and 
animals refuse to sit.
 Not only Protects against ill-wishing, evil energies, psychic attacks, but 
returns  those harmful energies to the universe already transformed into loving, positive energy.
It relieves hyperactivity in children and animals, and also is effective for children’s nightmares and fear of the dark.
Calms angry temperament.
Can help people to overcome any kind of addiction, like  quit smoking,  drinking, or drug use
Wear an engagement  or eternity ring with Amethyst stone in it, as 
reminder of faithful, deep love.
Eases mental anxiety, stress , physical tension.
Assists In decision making, 
Can point to the deeper meaning  behind a negative behavior.
Comforts the grieving, helps understand the eternal existence of the soul.( It is a great stone for those with terminal illness, it initiates a deep soul 
experience, and helps change the interpretation of death,  as the soul is 
eternal, in the moment of death will be freed from the body, to continue 
Stimulates the Third eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras.
Has a high spiritual vibration, connects with the Divine. Helps to understand and accept one’s spiritual power.
It’s a spiritual cleaner, creatures a shield around us, to protect us against 
spiritual attacks, low energies , stress.
 A great stone for those who are having a psychic or intuitive work, it 
protects from the negative energies of the “patient “. 
Best meditation crystal, helps  a deeper understanding, on how the power
 of the universe can guide one’s life.
Honors Artemis, the Greek goddess of The Hunt, and Childbirth,  
comforts women in labor.
Also honors Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Moon, and Protector of 
the animals.
Is the zodiac stone for Pisces, who are know to be the most intuitive among all zodiac signs.


The Green Aventurine is known as The stone of Happiness, the luckiest of all crystals, the stone of opportunities. 

 I have a nice story to this gem as well. My husband is not one of the typical believers, he is more skeptical than I ever was, only believes what he can see with his  own eyes. One day when I was  deep in the spiritual world, telling him  what I learned about crystal healing, he was like 
‘ there’s a stone for this, there’s a stone for that, and there’s an other one for something else, so why isn’t there a stone that stands for a complete happiness?!  He explained to me, that if he is happy, it means,  that he has the love of his life by his side, that he is healthy and has a stable financial status, has nothing to worry about. Is  exactly where he wants to be in life, complete and happy. So I should give him a gemstone that would make him happy.  
I  bought him a bracelet with Aventurine stones in it, cleaned it properly and gave it to him. He put it on,  very skeptical, without a  drop of faith, and the next day it literally exploded from his wrist, and fell into pieces. 

First I got scared, I was still in the process of learning,  so I called for help, I called my friend, the same who introduced me into this world, and she told me, that my hubby didn’t believe in the power of the stone, or he just didn’t needed it. In both cases a gemstone would  act like that. From that moment on, my husband believed everything I would tell him about crystals, incense sticks, Feng shui, Divine energy.  He believed in the power of Black Turmaline, when I used it to protect us from  the negative people from our environment, he believed that those 9 Citrine tumbled stones will increase our finances, and very  soon,  he was the one buying me Amber jewelry , to keep me balanced. It felt  good to know that even the most skeptical ones can be turned. 
And all began with Aventurine, a green treasure, the happiest, luckiest stone of all, and these are not the only features this magnificent gemstone has.
In most cases is green, but can form in blue, red, purple, orange, yellow and silver grey, the colors vary depending from the minerals which blend with the  aventurine.
 It is a Guide toward our inner harmony.
Has a strong calming energy, 
Is used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra, for well being and happiness.
 Attracts luck, increases wealth. Place it in a charm bag for good fortune.
Is a transformer crystal, can help us change our prospects, outlooks, relationships.
A chance booster, is the stone of opportunity,
Brings optimism into our lives, and enhances vitality.
Dissolves stress, calms anger and irritation.
Can stimulate sense of optimism, joy and hope.
Harmonizes the aura.
Helps us see the best what life can offer.
Enhances creativity, motivation,
Energetically stimulates  the physical growth of premature children, helps them if they are struggling in school or if they are destructive and  
hyperactive .
As an elixir is helpful in case of eczema, rosacea, juvenile acne.
Healer of the heart, can even help in preventing a heart attack.
Can give additional help in the effort to lower cholesterol.
Increases the power of homeopathy, has an anti inflammatory effect.
We can grid our house and garden against geopathic stress.
Also is able to absorb electromagnetic smog, use it as a phone jewelry to protect against emanations.
Honors the Chinese Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Unconditional 
love, Kuan-Yin. All green crystals honor Persephone, the Greek Goddess of Spring.
Is a natural birth stone for those born between April 20-May 20.


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