Five elements- The water


            Water is the strongest element of them all, it has to be, after all, it is believed to be the  creator of life. When Chi fell on earth created water, and so water became the first element.
More than half of our planet is covered with water, just like our body is.
It is really important to use this element  in the appropriate way, when decorating with Feng Shui, to make sure you have a good Chi flowing in your home, and not a tsunami destroying your life.  Let’s see the main attributes for water, and the materials and symbols to use, when activating its energy.

      -Water is the symbol for travel, for human connections and orientation.
      -Also is a symbol for arts and literature. 
       -Although water is the essence of life, is also able to destroy the strongest rock with its persistence. It’s in its power to reshape the land.
       -is mainly a Yin energy,  flowing slowly, following the courses, but can also be a quick stream, or giant waves smashing to the shore, which are  its yang attributes.
       -The colors associated  with water, are the all the blues and aquas,   black  stands for the yang attribute, you can use all colors from above to incorporate water, regardless of the quality of the energy; yin or yang, water is water. Although is advised to take in consideration the yin and yang qualities of one element if you’re decorating your bedroom, or any space requiring yin energies.
      -The primary material to use when you want to incorporate the water element in your home, is water itself. 
You are free to chose from any from these items.

      -Fish tanks, fountains;  
       -art displaying water, 
       -Glass and mirrors, and every reflecting object
       -Fish and sea creatures, and  illustrations of them.
       -Water vessels
       -Objects with curved line
        - glass tables, 
        -glass doors, and windows  are mainly given in a home,  it’s just good to know that they all belong to the water element.
        -It is related to the  planet Mercury.( Mercury is  the fastest among the planets, and stands for movement, connection, intelligence, and the ability of reading and writing.)
         -In Chinese mythology, water stands for luck, and money. Feng Shui uses water as well in its Money corner, water feed the wood, and the element that is connected to the wealth corner is wood.
          -It’s Compass direction is North.
         -It’s virtues are intellectuality and wisdom, and it’s negative aspect is the  aggression.
          - The Feng Shui corner associated with water is the  Career and work corner, and the number of water is 1.
         -  As for Shapes, you can use, any curved lined or round items , preferably made from glass or metal.

         -The silk and satin are the textiles most related to water.
           -Patterns which represent the  energy  of this element, are the    wavy lines, and  any dynamic,  free shapes
          -Activities like swimming , showering, or  having a bath, provide you with water energy.
          - It can be controlled by earth ( see the materials to use by the description for earth ), and it is supported by metal. Depending whether you need more or less water energy in one space, increase the element that controls or strengthens it.
       -If you have a water feature outside your home, by your front door, make sure the waters flowing direction is towards your house, otherwise, money and wealth will flow out of your hands.
          -Never place water fountains or fishtanks in your  bedroom, because it can lead to marital problems,  extinguishes the passion.
          -Don’t add water features to your bathroom, there is enough water, and make sure you keep the toilet closed at all time, to avoid the leaking of money down the pipes
         -Buildings with large windows, like the skyscrapers from big cities, irregular shaped constructions are build in harmony with the water element. These buildings have a great effect on communication, social skills, the ability of interactions, maybe that’s why in most of them are residency of multinational corporations.
        -The inequality of water can make you forgetful, unproductive, remote and isolated. It’s like the light of your life would be missing, no profitable ideas, not a clue what to do next, lack of sleep and nightmares are constant  in your life.

        -In case of the absence of the moving water, your communication skills are as good as dead, so make sure you integrate moving water(  water fountain, picture of a stream or river ) to your environment to overcome this situation.  When in abundance, you might count on huge water  bills, and frequently broken pipes, you might want to consider decorating with some items representing the wood element, or earth can ease the power of water as well.

        -When the Still water is missing  you may become narrow minded,  and conservative ; you need to surround yourself with Calm and standing  water, ( you may use mirror, a glass bowl with clean water, a picture of a calm sea). In case of a dominant Still water in your environment ( you live by a Lake, or a calm sea, or you have a  well, or a pool ...) you might feel unable to take decisions, and to finish things. Don’t 
worry, in case you’d like to change that, you can use the wood, and earth elements to control the energy of water,and don’t worry those posts are also coming soon.

   Decorating  tips with water  the element.

 For those who don’t believe that energies affect our life , is hard to accept that placing certain decor items in certain places will change the quality of our life. So if your family is not a believer, is not a problem.You just go  ahead and chose items that belong to the space you want the energies to change, and use them properly. Don’t worry every member of your family will feel the difference, and you don’t have to have a discussion with anyone.
Believe me! Been there, done that!

  You can use it to control the power of fire! So if your stove is in a place where fire energy would do more harm then good, use blue tiles, and accessories to ease the fire energy.
Thanks to the century we live in, we are able to chose from a huge variety of decor items, I’m sure everyone will find the perfect piece to buy! That’s what our time is all about anyways! Just buy, buy, buy.
I honestly would advise you, to make a tour in your home, in your attic and basement
, look in old boxes, you may find precious treasures hidden right under your nose; and while you’re at it, you can declutter a bit!

Let the universal energy lead your way! Lara, 🕉!


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