Merry Christmas everyone.


                                      It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

...well, at least for the most of us. Those who are not celebrating Christmas,  for any reason at all, just skip this post; the next one will be  about Feng Shui again, I promise. 
This post is not something I’ve been working on, or intended to write, it just came naturally ,  it is Christmas time, we all get a little  sentimental now. So I allowed myself to give you guys, a few advices  on how to have a relatively calm, and the happiest Christmas among them all.
Now is the time to forget all the differences we have, and celebrate united in peace and harmony.  
Christmas time is not just about the holidays and the joy, and gifts; it’s also the end of a year,  we all need closure, we need to close this chapter,and start an other one. A better one , a happier one.
For many of you, it is natural to call your mom, ask her for a Christmas recipe, or your dad, just to say hello. This year take time for those  people , you don’t get to call on a regular basis. 
   So call your parents,  grandparents and  let them know, how much you love them. And  tell them, that you are immensely grateful, for their love, understanding,  for their guidance and the lessons they thought you. Make time to visit them, I know we all are busy during the holidays, but that’s what Christmas is all about. Family time.
So take time, forget the present hunting, gift packing, cake baking marathons. Just be present for your family. It’s the greatest gift you could ever give them. Believe me, your grandma would be thrilled to hear from you, see you, and spend time with you. Specially in cases where the elders are alone, missing their other half. Christmas can be real cruel to people in grief. So if anyone in your surrounding is suffering, be there for them, if only for an hour. It will mean a world for them.
                There is so many pain in people’s  hearts, they  just choose to close an eye and keep going. They  have to, they need to, this is our world. Rushing, running, never taking the time for anything. And then Christmas comes, and behind all the lights, and joy, the darkness slips trough, growing bigger and greater. All the pain, people buried in their hearts, comes out, and  if  we, ( the people) wouldn’t have our  friends and family around us, whom we need to buy presents for, and cook dinners and decorate houses, and organize parties for; darkness would consume our soul completely. 
I ask you know, to take a minute and let that pain come to light, so it would never haunt you again. You might have lost a close friend or a relative, maybe it was a peaceful goodbye, maybe it was sudden and unfair; however, the pain was real, and is real, and becomes alive at Christmas time. Now you wish  more then ever, you’d have an other hug, just a few words more... Trying to burry these feelings  won’t make them go away, let them in, allow yourself to be sad,  only for a moment, than focus on the beautiful memories you have with that person, and catch the feeling. Own this feeling, and celebrate Christmas with a cheerful memory of a loved one, instead of the heavy hart for loosing them. Death is inevitable, is not good, or bad, on time or too soon, it is, and the sooner we accept that, the better are our chances to make peace with it .
                        Christmas is also the time to forget and forgive! So forget the mistakes you did, you learned from them, keep that lesson in your mind. Don’t overthink it, don’t blame yourself, you’ve couldn’t done it better at that moment, so let go of the past, and look forward the future, and make sure to not make the same mistake again, try an other one next time :-)
     Forgive everybody who may have hurt you, probably they didn’t mean it; and if they did, you have to forget, not forgive. Leave those people out of you life, who intentionally hurt you, and focus on those who always hold their shoulder  for you to cry on, and always have a smile to make you feel better.
     Long buried family feuds should come to an end, be the first one to let your guard down, and make an invite towards peace, but only if you can mean it from the deepest of your soul. 
Was that so bad? Whatever the fight is all about, was it that bad, that you wouldn’t talk to your family ? There’s no such sin, that can’t be forgiven. And please notice I wrote sin and not crime. 
 Only in my surrounding I could name more than 3 families, where for whatever reason, there is no relationship between father and son,  or mother and son, or grandmother have no relationship to their grandchildren, this is so sad! We are all grown ups, we should learn to forgive, and move on.  
I remember talking to a friend of my, she was all mad, because she had to take care of something for her father; (her mother died when she was 15, and she was raised by her grandmother and had nothing to do ever since with him, they weren’t even talking.)  I can hear myself telling her even today, to go and call your dad, go visit him, do it while you still can! I couldn’t anymore at the time, and I wish someone would told me to call him, when I still could.
 So anyway,  they  have a wonderful relationship now, visits every couple of weeks, regular  phone calls,  quality time whit the grandchildren.... 
I believe it’s worth a try, maybe the person on the other end of the line won’t even pick up, or won’t talk to you, but you should place that call anyway, it will take a stone from your soul, and you won’t have to celebrate Christmas with a heavy heart.

          I ask you all, you;  who read my blog on a regular basis, and all of your friends and family, to spread the love this Christmas! 
Give each other  a bit of your time, a couple of minutes, a few hours. Quality time! 
Forget your phone by the dining table,  the hunt for the perfect gift, the recipes for the best cookies, the cleaning spree you started, nothing  can’t be as  important, as precious time with your loved ones.Listen to people, hear their needs, and be their  voice of reason, their friend , their reason to live , whatever they need. This is real Christmas spirit, and not the newest smartphone, the biggest watch, the cozies blanket....or else you would buy for your friends and family. Not saying you shouldn’t, if I  had to name one thing I really love, that’s definitely would be gifting. I love to buy presents for my loved ones, and if my husband wouldn’t be my voice of reason, I probably would go and buy presents for the whole neighborhood. So yes! Give! All you can! And that’s what you’ll receive back. That’s how Karma is working! 
 So if you take these small steps, you will have a beautiful Christmas, even if some of my tips won’t pay out, and family feuds are not ended, or you still couldn’t find time for people , the effort you put into will pay out. For starters, it will make you feel better, and don’t forget Karma, what goes around, comes around, if you approach your fellow humans with love and understanding; appreciation and more love, is what you get in return.

I would take an other minute to say thank you 🙏 to all of you who read my blog, those who follow me on social media, those who engage, and those who just read....each and every one of you. Thank you! You are all special people, who deserve to have a better life, and reading this blog hopefully will get you there. 

Ps. I will take some family time myself for the holidays, be back in January! Celebrate in peace! 

 Ohh! And almost forgot! Please  don’t buy fireworks 💥 pets and small children are terrified of them, and they are not good for our environment 


               I wish you from the deepest of my heart ❤️  a very  merry berry Christmas and an awesome, happy new year!🕉


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