Five Elements - The fire



                 Fire is the most controversial element of all, it can provide you with energy but it can be dangerous  in the same time.  Fire can warm you up, but it also can burn you.
Is the element of instinct.
The energy fire carries within, if used appropriately, can change the energy level in ones environment. It’s like an energy boost. Whichever location, corner you put fire elements, the energies of that space will increase like wildfire; so you have to be alert, and pay a lot of attention, because a wildfire is hard to control, specially in places where more calm energies are required. Let’s see how can you incorporate the fire in the right way, and in the right amount in each corner of your house. Below I will provide you with some basic information, and some tips on how to work with this element.
-Fire is  Yang energy, active and masculine, but as all elements, fire too,  has yin features.
-The colors associated with, are all shades of reds, including orange and pink, and it’s yin energy has a purple color associated with.
-Within the characteristics of fire, we can mention a multitude of traits  like, 
-Heat, passion, aggression, masculinity, action, anger, leadership,  love, spirituality, vanity, frustration, grief.... all intense  emotions ,  just as the brightness  of the fire burning.
The materials to use when you want to increase the energy of the fire element are 

  • Candles
  • Fire place
  • Arts, paintings, pictures of fire
  • All kinds of lights
  • Every animal is attributed to the fire element, so you are free to use, pictures of animals.
  • You could also display trophies, bones and fur  of animals if you are a hunter, but I must mention that I, and as well Feng Shui disagrees with hunting for pleasure, fun, and for the displays; specially  the illegal hunts where  elephants, dolphins, Wales have to die, so humans can make display objects  and jewelry out of their bones... After all, living by the rules of Feng Shui, means to live in harmony with your environment. ( it’s ok to hunt for survival )
  • You can use items  that are  red , pink,  or purple.
  • Pillows, romantic accessories, are a great way to incorporate fire into your love life.
  • Feathers, again, don’t harm any living being. You can buy artificial feathers too... just saying.
  • The a South corner of your home stands for your Fame, and not a Hollywood fame only, it is also the appreciation and acknowledgment, you receive from the people who surround you. By incorporating fire elements in this corner, you are able to help yourself, to bring out your hidden talents, to be appreciated by your fellow humans.
  • Use fire in areas where you want to activate passionate  energy, your hobby room, your work area, the gym....
  • Use the fire in your office to boost your carrier. Maybe your office is in a Feng Shui corner, which needs other elements to be activated, so you have to take that in consideration, and make sure that the elements are in complete harmony, otherwise you’ll do more harm than good.
  • A north facing front door, painted red, would balance the energy in the entire house, and provide whit just the right amount of luck, and energy for those living inside.
  • You can add a few candles to your bedroom, to activate your love life, but be careful to not over decorate with the fire element, because the bedrooms main purpose is resting sleep, and fire is just to much active energy for that.
  • In areas of meditation and where you need concentration, limit the fire element.
  • Summer is associated with fire, like you might have read in my earlier post about the elements.
  • Planet Mars, is associated with the fire. Mars is the Roman God of War, the ultimate masculine energy, the power, aggression, and also the bravest and the best fighter.
  • All triangle shaped items, and pyramids represent the fire energy.
  • The Number 9 stands for fire, as for the area for fame.
  • Patterns or textiles associated with fire are leader, and latex.
  • Symbols : -Phoenix, rising from its ashes.
                        - incense sticks all represent the fire energy.
                        - Red items
                         -The light.
  • Activities like sitting by a campfire, or having a fire place in your home, can provide you with fire energy.
  • The positivity of fire is the passion, and it’s negative is the fast ignition.
  • Every lamp, and candle stands for fire energy. A broken lamp can totally stop the energy from flowing, so make sure all your bulbs are full functioning.
  • Pictures of famous people
  • Arts including animals, whether a painting, a sculpture... something made of leader, bones... and again, don’t harm animals! 
  • Plastic is an element created by humans, there’s nothing natural about it, because of the process of manufacturing , all plastic items are fire element. You can use plastic furniture, to keep the fire, and as well the planet alive. Specially if you reuse plastic to make something else out of it. It’s a win win situation, you’ve got something special in your home, and the ocean has less plastic waste.
  • The  towers,  buildings with pointy  edges, pyramidal  structures  are all a strong architectural manifestation of the fire element,  I have to mention as well the arrow formed  shields, you see on the highway, because they also belong here.
  • The mountains with their pointy edges are nature’s structures representing the fire element.

 I leave you with two  more practical advices; one in case of to much fire element in your life and the other one, in case of the absence of this element.
 1. If in your household everyday life is loud, with never ending fights, probably the fire element is dominant. You can change your life, by controlling the fire element with some water.
A picture of  the Niagara Falls, or the ocean, or you can display an indoor fountain, or an aquarium with black fish in it. You can as well use the colors black and blue, on your tapestry, as a tablecloth, a towel, a pillowcase ....any item that you like.
You also can control the fire with the help of Earth, add some terra-cotta decoration, ceramics, stones, rocks; or use the colors yellow, orange and brown.
2. In case of missing  fire element, you might have a bad blood circulation, dry skin, tense muscles, or bad eyes. The lack of passion, frigidity, panic attacks, are all sings of fire energy  absence.
Surround yourself with tons of red items, buy a bunch of red roses,  light your candles, or better, your fire place, if you own one, burn an incense stick, Rose or Jasmin awaken the passion, ( you can read more about incense sticks by clicking this link ➡️  )or just enjoy the  sunlight.... and as well use any material that represents the fire.


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