How to change your lifestyle in 30 days π
This 30 day lifestyle changing list, is a kind of quick introduction, it challenges you, so you desire change, with all your heart. Lifestyle change is not going to happen overnight, it needs time, and costs efforts. If you completed this 30 day program, youβve proven to be ripe for lifestyle change, and now can choose, in which direction youβre going to change.
- Try the benefits of water.Drink 2-3 liter water throughout the day in small amounts. Your appetite will sink and youβll feel fresher.
- Try the next exercise, to ease your tiredness. Sitting cross-legged, your hands loosely on your laps, straight back, shoulders and neck loose. Count to three, breathe in as you count 1,2, and breath out to 3. Repeat as many times, you enjoy doing it. It has a calming effect on the entire body.
- Today, ease your muscles. Take a saltwater bath, fill your tub with 38-40 degrees hot water, for every 10 liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt. Sit in this water, until it gets cold, do not add extra hot water to it. If you go to sleep after a saltwater bath, youβll have the most relaxing night of your life.
- Learn to raise your energy level. Today eat only vegetables, at least two different ones.
- Quick cleaning! The first rule of Feng Shui is to have a clean environment, as you may have read in my earlier posts. A quick clean, will boost your energy, and cheer you up, as you see a tidied house. So today, clean up quickly, wipe down your countertops , wash up the dishes, clean up the bathroom, do the beds, vacuum, and finally put a nice bouquet on your table. Nice and tidy.
- Pimp your workplace, if allowed, of course. Hang a nice picture on the wall, or place a flower on your desk, it will change the boring atmosphere, and youβll be more productive.
- Work out. Even if youβre not the kind of person, who works out, start your day with some exercise by open windows.
- Make an air refresher, matching your personality. Youβll need a bottle of water with a sprayer, and essential oils. Add a few drops of the chosen essential oil to your bottle and spay it around your house, changing the scent of the air, will make your day instantly better. By clicking on this link you can learn about scents and their use.
- Meaningful activities. Today, try not to rush, forget about the tv, smartphone, tablet, work....and have some ME time, whatever that means for you. Read, listen to music, go to the opera or theater, enjoy a bath....
- Honey. Discover the benefits of using honey, instead of sugar. Use it in your coffee, tea, as a salad dressing, if youβre not using any kind of sugar, than make sure to eat daily a small amount of honey.
- Enjoy your meal. For today, you can try a diet day, or just have a consciously prepared meal, either way, you sit down, set the table and concentrate on your food, and enjoy. In this way, it will not only fill your belly, but your heart to.
- Green tea! Start your day with this magical drink. Even if youβre a coffee person ( Iβm a mum, so I start functioning after I had my coffee) skip coffee today, and have a green tea.
- No alcohol! Many donβt even realize, how alcohol took part of their everyday lives. A beer after work, a nice glass of wine in the evening...skip it for today.
- Put your legs up! Your legs carry you trough you life, give the, a day off. Today wear comfortable shoes, if you have to wear heels, than choose your most comfy one. Your legs will thank you .
- Carry on, with foot care ! In the evening pamper your feet. Prepare a foot bath with some warm water and peppermint oil, soak your tired feet in for at least 20 minutes, then roll an empty bottle with your naked feet, for a few minutes, then let them rest for a half an hour.
- Go to bed early! Take a walk, then have an easy and colorful dinner, then go to bed in a darkened and quiet room, and aim for an 8 hour sleep. (My toddler is an early bird, and myself a night owl, so I barely get enough sleep, but as I went to bed consciously, I slept more than 8 hours.)
- Start your morning workout, by open windows, even if itβs freezing outside.
- Color therapy! Choose the color of your clothing with awareness, you can be more dynamic, wearing orange, purple, or turquoise clothes.
- Raise the spirits! As you wake up in the morning, imagine that you are in the most beautiful place on earth, grab the feeling and take it with you. Youβll be a happy person today.
- Sun! The light and the warmth of our sun provides us with energy, so spend as many time outside as you can today. Especially if youβre working indoors, go outside, and eat your lunch in the park nearby.
- Try a Feng Shui morning routine! It all begins in the bathroom, even if you find it funny, start with your hair! Use a strong brush, and brush your hair, than your teeth, and after that you take a morning shower, in the fallowing way. Start with your feet and go upwards, scrub your body with your sponge, or whatever you use, again from feet upwards, donβt forget to dry yourself in the same order, from toe to head. And I would not recommend a drastic cold shower in the morning! Now you can dress up.
- Take a day off, and not to catch up with work, or household. Use this day, for activities you love, and didnβt had the chance to do lately. Kind of a Me day!
- Have a nap, during the day, you will wake up as a different person. If you are meditating, so have at it.
- 24. Have small meals, often, throughout the day, choose colorful, fun foods. Youβll have a different energy, only from this one day.
- Try a fruit smoothie, you never had. For ex. Mix 1 dL apple juice, 1,5 dL orange juice, with one teaspoon of grated ginger.
- Massage! Today massage your head. Start from the top, and go all the way down to your neckline. You can choose any other body part, but the head is the most effective. It gives you a high energy boost.
- No electricity! Today use no electricity at all, the electromagnetic energy is harmful, so your body will thank you for the day off.
- Try to wake up without a alarm clock. The sound of your alarm should be peaceful anyways, because starting your day to the most annoying sound...itβs not fun.
- Go for a trip! Today, on your way home from work, take an other route and stop at a beautiful spot, and go for a trip, clear your mind.
- Your hour! Close your doors, turn off your phone, and doorbells. One hour of aromatherapy and the music you love, itβs worth more than 8 hours of sleep.
This alone wonβt make you a different person, this is just an introduction, of what you may become if you choose to change your lifestyle.
For a complete lifestyle change you have to learn about the following topics, a lot. Like I said, itβs not going to happen over night, and it costs.
Self-knowledge, The energies of our ancestors, Disorder, Home environment, Work environment, Friends, Family, Tasks in our every day, Clean body, and Nutrition.
Start your challenge today! π
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