Creativity and Children
In the teachings of Feng Shui, children have a very important role. The elders still believe, that our only role in life, is to keep the circle of life alive, by having children. It’s our responsibility to preserve the Earth , for our children’s children, and teach them to do so as well. If we have children, nothing gets lost in time. They carry on with our legacy. Maybe you’ve noticed the pattern already, just did not think much of it....a child of a musician, is also in love with music and will chose a life path related to music; a child of a lawyer will probably end up in the law enforcement one day, just like the children of doctors, teachers or any other profession, are mostly following the footsteps of their parents. We all want the best for our children, and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for their happiness, and this generates a massive amount of energy, that allows us to achieve our goals.
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If daddy has 5 guitars, the child must have at least one to. Ours has 3 already. |
In our modern way of living, money and career, frequently takes the place of our children. Mums nowadays can’t afford to stay home at all, or are forced by their careers, to leave the family home, after a year or two, to go back to work. Children go in daycare from a young age, are left with baby sitters, grannies, so the parents can produce more and more, for this consumer society. If mums are able to stay at home, and be there for their children, it means the dads are working extra hours to provide for the family. Either way, not only parents lose this precious time with their children, but this creates a bitter and gruffly society, as children don’t have the chance to grow slowly in a loving environment, they are forced to grow up fast. This is partly my opinion to, but it’s mostly the believes of the ancient Chines, who saw the beauty in raising children, magical, and as a possibility to make the world a better place.
If we teach our children right, they are going to be great characters, who have the power to make the world a better place.
Feng Shui, considers intellectual creations , our children to; our science projects, or books, writings, paintings, crafts, and every idea we have, it’s the child of our brain, of our soul.
This area, with its immense amount of energy, if activated, can balance the relationship between our children.
The connection to our kids, or their reliance on us, can be defined by this area.
If you are facing difficulties to conceive, then consider reviewing this spot of your house, maybe you got something piled up in here,that stops you from moving forward.
You should activate this section, if you consider having a baby, if getting pregnant gives you some hard time, if you want a reliable relationship to your children, a positive development for their young spirit, to help you with new ideas, to boost your creativity, and generally be more energetic, just like a child.
How to activate the creativity and children corner?
This area can be found in the West side of the house, and is connected to the Metal element. You can read about this element, by clicking here:
You will find similarities between this post, and the one about the metal element. Use everything you’ve learned so far, to achieve your goals, and again I will link a few previous posts, you should definitely read, and apply if you want to activate energy.
-You already have your grand plan, with all the important information on it, as the points of the compass, the defining elements, and the Bagua corners. If not, here’s how to do it
-You cleaned, and decluttered this area, maybe even considered an energetic clean.
-And by know you know what can help you to activate the energy.
-Step back, and look around in this room? How you feel? You like it in here, or you get anxious and want to leave this room? Negative energy generates bad feelings, so consider the change.
Which colors are dominant? Red, purple, or orange; you need to change that, ASAP . Use white, silver, metallic colors insted.
-Only use the ideas, you personally like, never change your environment into something you would hate, just because Feng Shui advices that. There are many ways to apply its rules, you just need to find the balance, between what’s advised, and what you’d like to use.
-Chose white, and metallic colors when you buy decorations.
Having white walls, add the right amount of energy you need, you can add warm tones from the earth elements colors, like soft beige, brow, or yellow; or if you need more dynamic in the room, add some colors listed in the post about the water element, such as blue or black.
-Great place to store and display your gemstones.
-Anything related to your creativity, like crafts, diy projects, music instruments, or even your kitchen utensils.
-Kids arts! They have immense energy, and they provide joy, which generates positive energy.
-Pictures of our children, or pictures of children from your family, if you don’t have your own.
-Use your 5 senses to help you awaken your creativity:
Your smell; incense sticks, essential oils, or just a simple bouquet of flowers.
Your hearing; with a bell, or a wind chime, music instruments, by simply playing or listening to music.
Your vision; with beautiful works of art, that warm up your heart.
Your sense of feeling; with fluffy pillows, and blankets.
And your sense of taste; with the help of cookbooks, ones you actually love to use, cook yourself, use a lot of colors, improvise with spices, the excitement and the enthusiasm of a happy cook, will reflect on those who eat as well.
-Art! Each piece of art has its own energy, so, they need space, in order to give some of that energy to the environment.
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Paul Sinus Art, Canvas wall art. Bought it on Amazon. |
-Is the best place for the children’s room, office, and the bedroom, specially if you want children.
-Anything with polka dots, spotted, dotted, circular patterns.
-Toys, or board games.
-Marbles, preferably white ones, but any other color will do.
-Wind chimes made of Onyx or metal,
-Pictures illustrating iron based buildings, like the Golden Gate or Brooklyn bridge, or maybe the Eiffel Tower.
Rabbit: Fertility
Beaver, and nesting birds: represent the family
Pomegranate: Symbolizes healthy descendants
Aquarium: Helps our children’s destiny, keep it clean, and have odd number of fishes, to provide Yang energy.
Orchids: represent the beauty, the perfection, the affection and multiple descendants. Place them either in white or metal colored pots, and keep them healthy.
Elephant: Bronze, gold, silver, copper, enhance your fertility
-Round objects, can be the clock on the wall, your coffee table, a rug...
-Your muse, inspiration. Whatever inspires you to have new ideas, to renew yourself every da, has a perfect spot in this space.
Our child’s play area, our living room, is in the west corner of our home, already the presence of a child in this section, awakens the energies immediately. We decided to change the layout of this room, and it was not only because of Feng Shui. Some of you might know, about me, that I’m interested in Maria Montessori’s teachings. So my main reason for change, was the Montessori education. I wanted open shelves, so my little one would be able to pull out toys alone, without parental help; and this area was to one where these shelves would fit. We donated our tv board, and shelving, even our fire place, and turned to room completely upside down.
The benefits of this change are amazing, a toddler, being able to do thing by itself minimizes the number of meltdowns, the development of such children is way more advanced. We have a much bigger space in our living room, and the atmosphere is unique. I guess this two methods combined, have a bigger impact on our life, than I ever would’ve expected
As for upstairs, we set up our child’s bedroom in this area, my goal was to, at least have the bed in the right spot, and we managed to do so. The room is half and half in the Love and marriage; and Creativity and children area. Wasn’t hard to bring the two corners together in one room, as the Love Bagua corner is represented by the Earth element, which has a positive effect on the Children’s metal element. We ended up with a lovely, soft, and magical place for our baby.It’s just comes naturally, that in a child’s room, everything is colorful, which activities the energies by its own. The furniture in the room was a gift from a sweet friend.
We have the bed and the dresser in the children’s section, for the other half of the room, as it is our Love corner, we have, a massive closet, and two armchairs, a small and a big one, with red pillows, or blankets, I change that a lot. The heavy furniture grounds the earth energy, and that’s enough to keep the love and marriage corner active, besides, I spend a lot of time in that armchair with my child, so our love 💕 marked that space for ever. ( in case you can’t read between the lines: when you spend quality time in any of the Bagua corners, your energies resonate with that space, and activates the corner. If there’s no possibility to do so, hang a picture of yourself in the corespondent spot.)
Really hope these few lines, can give you a picture of how a harmonious home should look like, keep in my, it’s harmony only if you find it beautiful and practical, not because I sad so. I’m just trying to translate this ancient Chinese wisdom, into our everyday lives, in hopes that it might come handy for someone. I know how much I achieved with help of Feng Shui, the most important of all that is my child.
Imagine yourself three months from now! Now do everything in your power to make that come true! 🕉
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